Ah…2018. A new year for social media. New posts, new tweets, new videos, new pictures, new comments. The truth is, this year has started with a controversial, Black Mirroresque bang for us social media users. On January 1st, 2018, while we were saying goodbye to 2017 and welcoming 365 new days, Youtube User Logan Paul posted a video on Youtube that will forever be remembered as "one of those moments" in social media and most likely history. I am not here to comment on the content of the video, provide Logan's life story, or tell you about how disgusted I was when I learned about it. However, the difference in approaches and ways in which social media users responded to the video should be brought to our attention. On one hand, and perhaps the most surprising, several users across social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram spoke in defense of Logan Paul, noting that people make mistakes and that the intentions behind the video were misinterp...