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Just a few weeks ago, we dove into The Stage , an album released by Avenged Sevenfold (A7x) in 2016. From a marketing perspective, where we treat a band as a brand and an album as a product , this was a unique, non-traditional album release because it was released without much promotion . Lets briefly re-visit some of our findings: Pre-release 1. The band gave a fake album name and release date a few days before they released The Stage. This had fans talking about the new album without having to disclose further details. 2. A week before The Stage was released, A7x announced a special live streamed event on October 27th, 2016, the same date that the album was released. As thousands watched the live streamed performance, Avenged Sevenfold was scheduled to secretly release the full album right after the show. Post-release 1. A7x transformed The Stage into The Stage Experience . Throughout 2017, the band released seven songs that were digitally a...